More Elementary Proof for Euler’s Sine Expansion

Solutions to the book Amazing and Aesthetic Aspects of Analysis by Paul Loya

Solutions to the book Galois Theory by Ian Stewart

Solutions to the book Complex Variables by M. Ya. Antimirov, A. A. Kolyshkin and Remi Vaillancourt

Solutions to the book Introduction to Analytic Number Theory by Tom M. Apostol

Our goal in this post is to provide an elementary proof for the real version of Euler’s famous Sine expansion.

I first prove that for any n that is a power of 2 and for any x\in\mathbb R,

\displaystyle{\sin(x)=n p_n(x)\sin\left(\frac x n\right)\cos\left(\frac x n\right),~p_n(x)=\prod_{k=1}^{\frac n 2-1}\left(1-\frac{\sin^2\frac x n}{\sin^2\frac{k\pi}n}\right)}~~~~~(1)

by using the following more familiar identity

\displaystyle\sin(x)=2\sin\frac x 2\sin\frac{\pi+x}2

we can easily arrive to the following identity that is valid for n equal to any power of 2,


\displaystyle=2^{n-1}\sin\frac x n\sin\frac{\frac n 2\pi+x}n\prod_{k=1}^{\frac n 2-1}\sin\frac{k\pi+x}n\sin\frac{k\pi-x}n

  \displaystyle=2^{n-1}\sin\frac x n\cos\frac x n\prod_{k=1}^{\frac n 2-1}\left(\sin^2\frac{k\pi}n-\sin^2\frac x n\right)~~~~~~~~~~(2)

By considering what happens as x\to0 in the recent formula, we can obtain that for n a power of 2

\displaystyle n=2^{n-1}\prod_{k=1}^{\frac n 2-1}\sin^2\frac{k\pi}n~~~~~~~~~~(3)

and then I replace (3) in (2) and prove (1).

Now I choose m<\frac n 2-1 and break up p_n(x) as follows

\displaystyle p_n(x)=\prod_{k=1}^m\left(1-\frac{\sin^2\frac x n}{\sin^2\frac{k\pi}n}\right)\prod_{k=m+1}^{\frac n 2-1}\left(1-\frac{\sin^2\frac x n}{\sin^2\frac{k\pi}n}\right)~~~~~~~~~~(4)

Since for 0<\theta<\frac{\pi}2, \sin(\theta)>\frac2{\pi}\theta, we have

\displaystyle\frac{\sin^2\frac x n}{\sin^2\frac{k\pi}n}<\frac{x^2}{4k^2}

and if I choose m and n large enough such that \frac{x^2}{4m^2}<1, then

\displaystyle0<1-\frac{\sin^2\frac x n}{\sin^2\frac{k\pi}n}<1,k=m+1,...,\frac n 2-1

which implies that

\displaystyle0<\prod_{k=m+1}^{\frac n 2-1}\left(1-\frac{\sin^2\frac x n}{\sin^2\frac{k\pi}n}\right)<1

Therefore from (4) we have

\displaystyle p_n(x)\le\prod_{k=1}^m\left(1-\frac{\sin^2\frac x n}{\sin^2\frac{k\pi}n}\right)

Also we have

\displaystyle{\prod_{k=m+1}^{\frac n 2-1}\left(1-\frac{\sin^2\frac x n}{\sin^2\frac{k\pi}n}\right)\ge1-\sum_{k=m+1}^{\frac n 2-1}\frac{\sin^2\frac x n}{\sin^2\frac{k\pi}n}\ge1-\frac{x^2}4\sum_{k=m+1}^\infty\frac1{k^2}=1-s_m}

and once again by (4), we get

\displaystyle p_n(x)\ge(1-s_m)\prod_{k=1}^m\left(1-\frac{\sin^2\frac x n}{\sin^2\frac{k\pi}n}\right)

To summarize, I have shown that

\displaystyle{(1-s_m)\prod_{k=1}^m\left(1-\frac{\sin^2\frac x n}{\sin^2\frac{k\pi}n}\right)\le p_n(x)\le\prod_{k=1}^m\left(1-\frac{\sin^2\frac x n}{\sin^2\frac{k\pi}n}\right)}~~~~~~~~~~(5)

Now taking n\to\infty in (5) I arrive to


After rearrangement and then taking absolute values, we get


but since we have

\displaystyle{\left|\prod_{k=1}^m\left(1-\frac{x^2}{k^2\pi^2}\right)\right|\le\prod_{k=1}^m\left(1+\frac{x^2}{k^2\pi^2}\right)\le\prod_{k=1}^me^{\frac{x^2}{k^2\pi^2}}\le e^{\sum_{k=1}^\infty\frac{x^2}{k^2\pi^2}}=e^{\ell}}

I can write


Finally since \lim_{m\to\infty}s_m=0, this inequality implies our goal, indeed


One Finite Sum

Solutions to the book Amazing and Aesthetic Aspects of Analysis by Paul Loya

Solutions to the book Galois Theory by Ian Stewart

Solutions to the book Complex Variables by M. Ya. Antimirov, A. A. Kolyshkin and Remi Vaillancourt

Solutions to the book Introduction to Analytic Number Theory by Tom M. Apostol

In this post I want to find the value of the following finite sum,


I use the following amazing identity that you can see it’s proof in my previous posts


By this identity, I can write





and this follows that


